


Abstract class for connective operators.


Abstract class for unary connective operators.


Abstract class for binary connective operators.


Standard fuzzy negation operator.


Godel fuzzy negation operator.


Godel fuzzy conjunction operator (min operator).


Goguen fuzzy conjunction operator (product operator).


Lukasiewicz fuzzy conjunction operator.


Godel fuzzy disjunction operator (max operator).


Goguen fuzzy disjunction operator (probabilistic sum).


Lukasiewicz fuzzy disjunction operator.


Kleene Dienes fuzzy implication operator.


Godel fuzzy implication operand.


Reichenbach fuzzy implication operator.


Goguen fuzzy implication operator.

ltn.fuzzy_ops.Equiv(and_op, implies_op)

Equivalence (\(\leftrightarrow\)) fuzzy operator.


Abstract class for aggregation operators.


Min fuzzy aggregation operator.


Mean fuzzy aggregation operator.

ltn.fuzzy_ops.AggregPMean([p, stable])

pMean fuzzy aggregation operator.

ltn.fuzzy_ops.AggregPMeanError([p, stable])

pMeanError fuzzy aggregation operator.


SatAgg aggregation operator.

The ltn.fuzzy_ops module contains the PyTorch implementation of some common fuzzy logic operators and aggregators. Refer to the LTN paper for a detailed description of these operators (see the Appendix).

All the operators included in this module support the traditional NumPy/PyTorch broadcasting.

The operators have been designed to be used with ltn.core.Connective or ltn.core.Quantifier.

class ltn.fuzzy_ops.ConnectiveOperator

Bases: object

Abstract class for connective operators.

Every connective operator implemented in LTNtorch must inherit from this class and implements the __call__() method.


Raised when __call__() is not implemented in the sub-class.

class ltn.fuzzy_ops.UnaryConnectiveOperator

Bases: ltn.fuzzy_ops.ConnectiveOperator

Abstract class for unary connective operators.

Every unary connective operator implemented in LTNtorch must inherit from this class and implement the __call__() method.


Raised when __call__() is not implemented in the sub-class.

class ltn.fuzzy_ops.BinaryConnectiveOperator

Bases: ltn.fuzzy_ops.ConnectiveOperator

Abstract class for binary connective operators.

Every binary connective operator implemented in LTNtorch must inherit from this class and implement the __call__() method.


Raised when __call__() is not implemented in the sub-class.

class ltn.fuzzy_ops.NotStandard

Bases: ltn.fuzzy_ops.UnaryConnectiveOperator

Standard fuzzy negation operator.

\(\lnot_{standard}(x) = 1 - x\)


>>> import ltn
>>> import torch
>>> Not = ltn.Connective(ltn.fuzzy_ops.NotStandard())
>>> print(Not)
>>> p = ltn.Predicate(func=lambda x: torch.nn.Sigmoid()(
...                                     torch.sum(x, dim=1)
...                                  ))
>>> x = ltn.Variable('x', torch.tensor([[0.56], [0.9]]))
>>> print(p(x).value)
tensor([0.6365, 0.7109])
>>> print(Not(p(x)).value)
tensor([0.3635, 0.2891])

It applies the standard fuzzy negation operator to the given operand.


Operand on which the operator has to be applied.


The standard fuzzy negation of the given operand.

class ltn.fuzzy_ops.NotGodel

Bases: ltn.fuzzy_ops.UnaryConnectiveOperator

Godel fuzzy negation operator.

\(\lnot_{Godel}(x) = \left\{\begin{array}{ c l }1 & \quad \textrm{if } x = 0 \\ 0 & \quad \textrm{otherwise} \end{array} \right.\)


>>> import ltn
>>> import torch
>>> Not = ltn.Connective(ltn.fuzzy_ops.NotGodel())
>>> print(Not)
>>> p = ltn.Predicate(func=lambda x: torch.nn.Sigmoid()(
...                                     torch.sum(x, dim=1)
...                                  ))
>>> x = ltn.Variable('x', torch.tensor([[0.56], [0.9]]))
>>> print(p(x).value)
tensor([0.6365, 0.7109])
>>> print(Not(p(x)).value)
tensor([0., 0.])

It applies the Godel fuzzy negation operator to the given operand.


Operand on which the operator has to be applied.


The Godel fuzzy negation of the given operand.

class ltn.fuzzy_ops.AndMin

Bases: ltn.fuzzy_ops.BinaryConnectiveOperator

Godel fuzzy conjunction operator (min operator).

\(\land_{Godel}(x, y) = \operatorname{min}(x, y)\)


Note that:

  • variable x has two individuals;

  • variable y has three individuals;

  • the shape of the result of the conjunction is (2, 3) due to the LTN broadcasting. The first dimension is dedicated two variable x, while the second dimension to variable y;

  • at index (0, 0) there is the evaluation of the formula on first individual of x and first individual of y, at index (0, 1) there is the evaluation of the formula on first individual of x and second individual of y, and so forth.

>>> import ltn
>>> import torch
>>> And = ltn.Connective(ltn.fuzzy_ops.AndMin())
>>> print(And)
>>> p = ltn.Predicate(func=lambda x: torch.nn.Sigmoid()(
...                                     torch.sum(x, dim=1)
...                                  ))
>>> x = ltn.Variable('x', torch.tensor([[0.56], [0.9]]))
>>> y = ltn.Variable('y', torch.tensor([[0.7], [0.2], [0.1]]))
>>> print(p(x).value)
tensor([0.6365, 0.7109])
>>> print(p(y).value)
tensor([0.6682, 0.5498, 0.5250])
>>> print(And(p(x), p(y)).value)
tensor([[0.6365, 0.5498, 0.5250],
        [0.6682, 0.5498, 0.5250]])
__call__(x, y)

It applies the Godel fuzzy conjunction operator to the given operands.


First operand on which the operator has to be applied.


Second operand on which the operator has to be applied.


The Godel fuzzy conjunction of the two operands.

class ltn.fuzzy_ops.AndProd(stable=True)

Bases: ltn.fuzzy_ops.BinaryConnectiveOperator

Goguen fuzzy conjunction operator (product operator).

\(\land_{Goguen}(x, y) = xy\)

stablebool, default=True

Flag indicating whether to use the stable version of the operator or not.


The Gougen fuzzy conjunction could have vanishing gradients if not used in its stable version.


Note that:

  • variable x has two individuals;

  • variable y has three individuals;

  • the shape of the result of the conjunction is (2, 3) due to the LTN broadcasting. The first dimension is dedicated two variable x, while the second dimension to variable y;

  • at index (0, 0) there is the evaluation of the formula on first individual of x and first individual of y, at index (0, 1) there is the evaluation of the formula on first individual of x and second individual of y, and so forth.

>>> import ltn
>>> import torch
>>> And = ltn.Connective(ltn.fuzzy_ops.AndProd())
>>> print(And)
>>> p = ltn.Predicate(func=lambda x: torch.nn.Sigmoid()(
...                                     torch.sum(x, dim=1)
...                                  ))
>>> x = ltn.Variable('x', torch.tensor([[0.56], [0.9]]))
>>> y = ltn.Variable('y', torch.tensor([[0.7], [0.2], [0.1]]))
>>> print(p(x).value)
tensor([0.6365, 0.7109])
>>> print(p(y).value)
tensor([0.6682, 0.5498, 0.5250])
>>> print(And(p(x), p(y)).value)
tensor([[0.4253, 0.3500, 0.3342],
        [0.4751, 0.3910, 0.3733]])
__call__(x, y, stable=None)

It applies the Goguen fuzzy conjunction operator to the given operands.


First operand on which the operator has to be applied.


Second operand on which the operator has to be applied.

stablebool, default=None

Flag indicating whether to use the stable version of the operator or not.


The Goguen fuzzy conjunction of the two operands.


See stable parameter.

class ltn.fuzzy_ops.AndLuk

Bases: ltn.fuzzy_ops.BinaryConnectiveOperator

Lukasiewicz fuzzy conjunction operator.

\(\land_{Lukasiewicz}(x, y) = \operatorname{max}(x + y - 1, 0)\)


Note that:

  • variable x has two individuals;

  • variable y has three individuals;

  • the shape of the result of the conjunction is (2, 3) due to the LTN broadcasting. The first dimension is dedicated two variable x, while the second dimension to variable y;

  • at index (0, 0) there is the evaluation of the formula on first individual of x and first individual of y, at index (0, 1) there is the evaluation of the formula on first individual of x and second individual of y, and so forth.

>>> import ltn
>>> import torch
>>> And = ltn.Connective(ltn.fuzzy_ops.AndLuk())
>>> print(And)
>>> p = ltn.Predicate(func=lambda x: torch.nn.Sigmoid()(
...                                     torch.sum(x, dim=1)
...                                  ))
>>> x = ltn.Variable('x', torch.tensor([[0.56], [0.9]]))
>>> y = ltn.Variable('y', torch.tensor([[0.7], [0.2], [0.1]]))
>>> print(p(x).value)
tensor([0.6365, 0.7109])
>>> print(p(y).value)
tensor([0.6682, 0.5498, 0.5250])
>>> print(And(p(x), p(y)).value)
tensor([[0.3046, 0.1863, 0.1614],
        [0.3791, 0.2608, 0.2359]])
__call__(x, y)

It applies the Lukasiewicz fuzzy conjunction operator to the given operands.


First operand on which the operator has to be applied.


Second operand on which the operator has to be applied.


The Lukasiewicz fuzzy conjunction of the two operands.

class ltn.fuzzy_ops.OrMax

Bases: ltn.fuzzy_ops.BinaryConnectiveOperator

Godel fuzzy disjunction operator (max operator).

\(\lor_{Godel}(x, y) = \operatorname{max}(x, y)\)


Note that:

  • variable x has two individuals;

  • variable y has three individuals;

  • the shape of the result of the conjunction is (2, 3) due to the LTN broadcasting. The first dimension is dedicated two variable x, while the second dimension to variable y;

  • at index (0, 0) there is the evaluation of the formula on first individual of x and first individual of y, at index (0, 1) there is the evaluation of the formula on first individual of x and second individual of y, and so forth.

>>> import ltn
>>> import torch
>>> Or = ltn.Connective(ltn.fuzzy_ops.OrMax())
>>> print(Or)
>>> p = ltn.Predicate(func=lambda x: torch.nn.Sigmoid()(
...                                     torch.sum(x, dim=1)
...                                  ))
>>> x = ltn.Variable('x', torch.tensor([[0.56], [0.9]]))
>>> y = ltn.Variable('y', torch.tensor([[0.7], [0.2], [0.1]]))
>>> print(p(x).value)
tensor([0.6365, 0.7109])
>>> print(p(y).value)
tensor([0.6682, 0.5498, 0.5250])
>>> print(Or(p(x), p(y)).value)
tensor([[0.6682, 0.6365, 0.6365],
        [0.7109, 0.7109, 0.7109]])
__call__(x, y)

It applies the Godel fuzzy disjunction operator to the given operands.


First operand on which the operator has to be applied.


Second operand on which the operator has to be applied.


The Godel fuzzy disjunction of the two operands.

class ltn.fuzzy_ops.OrProbSum(stable=True)

Bases: ltn.fuzzy_ops.BinaryConnectiveOperator

Goguen fuzzy disjunction operator (probabilistic sum).

\(\lor_{Goguen}(x, y) = x + y - xy\)

stablebool, default=True

Flag indicating whether to use the stable version of the operator or not.


The Gougen fuzzy disjunction could have vanishing gradients if not used in its stable version.


Note that:

  • variable x has two individuals;

  • variable y has three individuals;

  • the shape of the result of the conjunction is (2, 3) due to the LTN broadcasting. The first dimension is dedicated two variable x, while the second dimension to variable y;

  • at index (0, 0) there is the evaluation of the formula on first individual of x and first individual of y, at index (0, 1) there is the evaluation of the formula on first individual of x and second individual of y, and so forth.

>>> import ltn
>>> import torch
>>> Or = ltn.Connective(ltn.fuzzy_ops.OrProbSum())
>>> print(Or)
>>> p = ltn.Predicate(func=lambda x: torch.nn.Sigmoid()(
...                                     torch.sum(x, dim=1)
...                                  ))
>>> x = ltn.Variable('x', torch.tensor([[0.56], [0.9]]))
>>> y = ltn.Variable('y', torch.tensor([[0.7], [0.2], [0.1]]))
>>> print(p(x).value)
tensor([0.6365, 0.7109])
>>> print(p(y).value)
tensor([0.6682, 0.5498, 0.5250])
>>> print(Or(p(x), p(y)).value)
tensor([[0.8793, 0.8363, 0.8273],
        [0.9040, 0.8698, 0.8626]])
__call__(x, y, stable=None)

It applies the Goguen fuzzy disjunction operator to the given operands.


First operand on which the operator has to be applied.


Second operand on which the operator has to be applied.

stablebool, default=None

Flag indicating whether to use the stable version of the operator or not.


The Goguen fuzzy disjunction of the two operands.


See stable parameter.

class ltn.fuzzy_ops.OrLuk

Bases: ltn.fuzzy_ops.BinaryConnectiveOperator

Lukasiewicz fuzzy disjunction operator.

\(\lor_{Lukasiewicz}(x, y) = \operatorname{min}(x + y, 1)\)


Note that:

  • variable x has two individuals;

  • variable y has three individuals;

  • the shape of the result of the conjunction is (2, 3) due to the LTN broadcasting. The first dimension is dedicated two variable x, while the second dimension to variable y;

  • at index (0, 0) there is the evaluation of the formula on first individual of x and first individual of y, at index (0, 1) there is the evaluation of the formula on first individual of x and second individual of y, and so forth.

>>> import ltn
>>> import torch
>>> Or = ltn.Connective(ltn.fuzzy_ops.OrLuk())
>>> print(Or)
>>> p = ltn.Predicate(func=lambda x: torch.nn.Sigmoid()(
...                                     torch.sum(x, dim=1)
...                                  ))
>>> x = ltn.Variable('x', torch.tensor([[0.56], [0.9]]))
>>> y = ltn.Variable('y', torch.tensor([[0.7], [0.2], [0.1]]))
>>> print(p(x).value)
tensor([0.6365, 0.7109])
>>> print(p(y).value)
tensor([0.6682, 0.5498, 0.5250])
>>> print(Or(p(x), p(y)).value)
tensor([[1., 1., 1.],
        [1., 1., 1.]])
__call__(x, y)

It applies the Lukasiewicz fuzzy disjunction operator to the given operands.


First operand on which the operator has to be applied.


Second operand on which the operator has to be applied.


The Lukasiewicz fuzzy disjunction of the two operands.

class ltn.fuzzy_ops.ImpliesKleeneDienes

Bases: ltn.fuzzy_ops.BinaryConnectiveOperator

Kleene Dienes fuzzy implication operator.

\(\rightarrow_{KleeneDienes}(x, y) = \operatorname{max}(1 - x, y)\)


Note that:

  • variable x has two individuals;

  • variable y has three individuals;

  • the shape of the result of the conjunction is (2, 3) due to the LTN broadcasting. The first dimension is dedicated two variable x, while the second dimension to variable y;

  • at index (0, 0) there is the evaluation of the formula on first individual of x and first individual of y, at index (0, 1) there is the evaluation of the formula on first individual of x and second individual of y, and so forth.

>>> import ltn
>>> import torch
>>> Implies = ltn.Connective(ltn.fuzzy_ops.ImpliesKleeneDienes())
>>> print(Implies)
>>> p = ltn.Predicate(func=lambda x: torch.nn.Sigmoid()(
...                                     torch.sum(x, dim=1)
...                                  ))
>>> x = ltn.Variable('x', torch.tensor([[0.56], [0.9]]))
>>> y = ltn.Variable('y', torch.tensor([[0.7], [0.2], [0.1]]))
>>> print(p(x).value)
tensor([0.6365, 0.7109])
>>> print(p(y).value)
tensor([0.6682, 0.5498, 0.5250])
>>> print(Implies(p(x), p(y)).value)
tensor([[0.6682, 0.5498, 0.5250],
        [0.6682, 0.5498, 0.5250]])
__call__(x, y)

It applies the Kleene Dienes fuzzy implication operator to the given operands.


First operand on which the operator has to be applied.


Second operand on which the operator has to be applied.


The Kleene Dienes fuzzy implication of the two operands.

class ltn.fuzzy_ops.ImpliesGodel

Bases: ltn.fuzzy_ops.BinaryConnectiveOperator

Godel fuzzy implication operand.

\(\rightarrow_{Godel}(x, y) = \left\{\begin{array}{ c l }1 & \quad \textrm{if } x \le y \\ y & \quad \textrm{otherwise} \end{array} \right.\)


Note that:

  • variable x has two individuals;

  • variable y has three individuals;

  • the shape of the result of the conjunction is (2, 3) due to the LTN broadcasting. The first dimension is dedicated two variable x, while the second dimension to variable y;

  • at index (0, 0) there is the evaluation of the formula on first individual of x and first individual of y, at index (0, 1) there is the evaluation of the formula on first individual of x and second individual of y, and so forth.

>>> import ltn
>>> import torch
>>> Implies = ltn.Connective(ltn.fuzzy_ops.ImpliesGodel())
>>> print(Implies)
>>> p = ltn.Predicate(func=lambda x: torch.nn.Sigmoid()(
...                                     torch.sum(x, dim=1)
...                                  ))
>>> x = ltn.Variable('x', torch.tensor([[0.56], [0.9]]))
>>> y = ltn.Variable('y', torch.tensor([[0.7], [0.2], [0.1]]))
>>> print(p(x).value)
tensor([0.6365, 0.7109])
>>> print(p(y).value)
tensor([0.6682, 0.5498, 0.5250])
>>> print(Implies(p(x), p(y)).value)
tensor([[1.0000, 0.5498, 0.5250],
        [0.6682, 0.5498, 0.5250]])
__call__(x, y)

It applies the Godel fuzzy implication operator to the given operands.


First operand on which the operator has to be applied.


Second operand on which the operator has to be applied.


The Godel fuzzy implication of the two operands.

class ltn.fuzzy_ops.ImpliesReichenbach(stable=True)

Bases: ltn.fuzzy_ops.BinaryConnectiveOperator

Reichenbach fuzzy implication operator.

\(\rightarrow_{Reichenbach}(x, y) = 1 - x + xy\)

stablebool, default=True

Flag indicating whether to use the stable version of the operator or not.


The Reichenbach fuzzy implication could have vanishing gradients if not used in its stable version.


Note that:

  • variable x has two individuals;

  • variable y has three individuals;

  • the shape of the result of the conjunction is (2, 3) due to the LTN broadcasting. The first dimension is dedicated two variable x, while the second dimension to variable y;

  • at index (0, 0) there is the evaluation of the formula on first individual of x and first individual of y, at index (0, 1) there is the evaluation of the formula on first individual of x and second individual of y, and so forth.

>>> import ltn
>>> import torch
>>> Implies = ltn.Connective(ltn.fuzzy_ops.ImpliesReichenbach())
>>> print(Implies)
>>> p = ltn.Predicate(func=lambda x: torch.nn.Sigmoid()(
...                                     torch.sum(x, dim=1)
...                                  ))
>>> x = ltn.Variable('x', torch.tensor([[0.56], [0.9]]))
>>> y = ltn.Variable('y', torch.tensor([[0.7], [0.2], [0.1]]))
>>> print(p(x).value)
tensor([0.6365, 0.7109])
>>> print(p(y).value)
tensor([0.6682, 0.5498, 0.5250])
>>> print(Implies(p(x), p(y)).value)
tensor([[0.7888, 0.7134, 0.6976],
        [0.7640, 0.6799, 0.6622]])
__call__(x, y, stable=None)

It applies the Reichenbach fuzzy implication operator to the given operands.


First operand on which the operator has to be applied.


Second operand on which the operator has to be applied.

stable: :obj:`bool`, default=None

Flag indicating whether to use the stable version of the operator or not.


The Reichenbach fuzzy implication of the two operands.


See stable parameter.

class ltn.fuzzy_ops.ImpliesGoguen(stable=True)

Bases: ltn.fuzzy_ops.BinaryConnectiveOperator

Goguen fuzzy implication operator.

\(\rightarrow_{Goguen}(x, y) = \left\{\begin{array}{ c l }1 & \quad \textrm{if } x \le y \\ \frac{y}{x} & \quad \textrm{otherwise} \end{array} \right.\)

stablebool, default=True

Flag indicating whether to use the stable version of the operator or not.


The Goguen fuzzy implication could have vanishing gradients if not used in its stable version.


Note that:

  • variable x has two individuals;

  • variable y has three individuals;

  • the shape of the result of the conjunction is (2, 3) due to the LTN broadcasting. The first dimension is dedicated two variable x, while the second dimension to variable y;

  • at index (0, 0) there is the evaluation of the formula on first individual of x and first individual of y, at index (0, 1) there is the evaluation of the formula on first individual of x and second individual of y, and so forth.

>>> import ltn
>>> import torch
>>> Implies = ltn.Connective(ltn.fuzzy_ops.ImpliesGoguen())
>>> print(Implies)
>>> p = ltn.Predicate(func=lambda x: torch.nn.Sigmoid()(
...                                     torch.sum(x, dim=1)
...                                  ))
>>> x = ltn.Variable('x', torch.tensor([[0.56], [0.9]]))
>>> y = ltn.Variable('y', torch.tensor([[0.7], [0.2], [0.1]]))
>>> print(p(x).value)
tensor([0.6365, 0.7109])
>>> print(p(y).value)
tensor([0.6682, 0.5498, 0.5250])
>>> print(Implies(p(x), p(y)).value)
tensor([[1.0000, 0.8639, 0.8248],
        [0.9398, 0.7733, 0.7384]])
__call__(x, y, stable=None)

It applies the Goguen fuzzy implication operator to the given operands.


First operand on which the operator has to be applied.


Second operand on which the operator has to be applied.

stablebool, default=None

Flag indicating whether to use the stable version of the operator or not.


The Goguen fuzzy implication of the two operands.


See stable parameter.

class ltn.fuzzy_ops.Equiv(and_op, implies_op)

Bases: ltn.fuzzy_ops.BinaryConnectiveOperator

Equivalence (\(\leftrightarrow\)) fuzzy operator.

\(x \leftrightarrow y \equiv x \rightarrow y \land y \rightarrow x\)


Fuzzy conjunction operator to use for the equivalence operator.


Fuzzy implication operator to use for the implication operator.


  • the equivalence operator (\(\leftrightarrow\)) is implemented in LTNtorch as an operator which computes: \(x \rightarrow y \land y \rightarrow x\);

  • the and_op parameter defines the operator for \(\land\);

  • the implies_op parameter defines the operator for \(\rightarrow\).


Note that:

  • we have selected ltn.fuzzy_ops.AndProd() as an operator for the conjunction of the equivalence, and ltn.fuzzy_ops.ImpliesReichenbach as an operator for the implication;

  • variable x has two individuals;

  • variable y has three individuals;

  • the shape of the result of the conjunction is (2, 3) due to the LTN broadcasting. The first dimension is dedicated two variable x, while the second dimension to variable y;

  • at index (0, 0) there is the evaluation of the formula on first individual of x and first individual of y, at index (0, 1) there is the evaluation of the formula on first individual of x and second individual of y, and so forth.

>>> import ltn
>>> import torch
>>> Equiv = ltn.Connective(ltn.fuzzy_ops.Equiv(
...                             and_op=ltn.fuzzy_ops.AndProd(),
...                             implies_op=ltn.fuzzy_ops.ImpliesReichenbach()
...                         ))
>>> print(Equiv)
Connective(connective_op=Equiv(and_op=AndProd(stable=True), implies_op=ImpliesReichenbach(stable=True)))
>>> p = ltn.Predicate(func=lambda x: torch.nn.Sigmoid()(
...                                     torch.sum(x, dim=1)
...                                  ))
>>> x = ltn.Variable('x', torch.tensor([[0.56], [0.9]]))
>>> y = ltn.Variable('y', torch.tensor([[0.7], [0.2], [0.1]]))
>>> print(p(x).value)
tensor([0.6365, 0.7109])
>>> print(p(y).value)
tensor([0.6682, 0.5498, 0.5250])
>>> print(Equiv(p(x), p(y)).value)
tensor([[0.5972, 0.5708, 0.5645],
        [0.6165, 0.5718, 0.5617]])
__call__(x, y)

It applies the fuzzy equivalence operator to the given operands.


First operand on which the operator has to be applied.


Second operand on which the operator has to be applied.


The fuzzy equivalence of the two operands.

and_op: :class:`ltn.fuzzy_ops.BinaryConnectiveOperator`

See and_op parameter.

implies_op: :class:`ltn.fuzzy_ops.BinaryConnectiveOperator`

See implies_op parameter.

class ltn.fuzzy_ops.AggregationOperator

Bases: object

Abstract class for aggregation operators.

Every aggregation operator implemented in LTNtorch must inherit from this class and implement the __call__() method.


Raised when __call__() is not implemented in the sub-class.

class ltn.fuzzy_ops.AggregMin

Bases: ltn.fuzzy_ops.AggregationOperator

Min fuzzy aggregation operator.

\(A_{T_{M}}(x_1, \dots, x_n) = \operatorname{min}(x_1, \dots, x_n)\)


>>> import ltn
>>> import torch
>>> Forall = ltn.Quantifier(ltn.fuzzy_ops.AggregMin(), quantifier='f')
>>> print(Forall)
Quantifier(agg_op=AggregMin(), quantifier='f')
>>> p = ltn.Predicate(func=lambda x: torch.nn.Sigmoid()(
...                                     torch.sum(x, dim=1)
...                                  ))
>>> x = ltn.Variable('x', torch.tensor([[0.56], [0.9], [0.7]]))
>>> print(p(x).value)
tensor([0.6365, 0.7109, 0.6682])
>>> print(Forall(x, p(x)).value)
__call__(xs, dim=None, keepdim=False, mask=None)

It applies the min fuzzy aggregation operator to the given formula’s grounding on the selected dimensions.


Grounding of formula on which the aggregation has to be performed.

dimtuple of int, default=None

Tuple containing the indexes of dimensions on which the aggregation has to be performed.

keepdimbool, default=False

Flag indicating whether the output has to keep the same dimensions as the input after the aggregation.

masktorch.Tensor, default=None

Boolean mask for excluding values of ‘xs’ from the aggregation. It is internally used for guarded quantification. The mask must have the same shape of ‘xs’. False means exclusion, True means inclusion.


Min fuzzy aggregation of the formula.


Raises when the grounding of the formula (‘xs’) and the mask do not have the same shape. Raises when the ‘mask’ is not boolean.

class ltn.fuzzy_ops.AggregMean

Bases: ltn.fuzzy_ops.AggregationOperator

Mean fuzzy aggregation operator.

\(A_{M}(x_1, \dots, x_n) = \frac{1}{n} \sum_{i = 1}^n x_i\)


>>> import ltn
>>> import torch
>>> Forall = ltn.Quantifier(ltn.fuzzy_ops.AggregMean(), quantifier='f')
>>> print(Forall)
Quantifier(agg_op=AggregMean(), quantifier='f')
>>> p = ltn.Predicate(func=lambda x: torch.nn.Sigmoid()(
...                                     torch.sum(x, dim=1)
...                                  ))
>>> x = ltn.Variable('x', torch.tensor([[0.56], [0.9], [0.7]]))
>>> print(p(x).value)
tensor([0.6365, 0.7109, 0.6682])
>>> print(Forall(x, p(x)).value)
__call__(xs, dim=None, keepdim=False, mask=None)

It applies the mean fuzzy aggregation operator to the given formula’s grounding on the selected dimensions.


Grounding of formula on which the aggregation has to be performed.

dimtuple of int, default=None

Tuple containing the indexes of dimensions on which the aggregation has to be performed.

keepdimbool, default=False

Flag indicating whether the output has to keep the same dimensions as the input after the aggregation.

masktorch.Tensor, default=None

Boolean mask for excluding values of ‘xs’ from the aggregation. It is internally used for guarded quantification. The mask must have the same shape of ‘xs’. False means exclusion, True means inclusion.


Mean fuzzy aggregation of the formula.


Raises when the grounding of the formula (‘xs’) and the mask do not have the same shape. Raises when the ‘mask’ is not boolean.

class ltn.fuzzy_ops.AggregPMean(p=2, stable=True)

Bases: ltn.fuzzy_ops.AggregationOperator

pMean fuzzy aggregation operator.

\(A_{pM}(x_1, \dots, x_n) = (\frac{1}{n} \sum_{i = 1}^n x_i^p)^{\frac{1}{p}}\)

pint, default=2

Value of hyper-parameter p of the pMean fuzzy aggregation operator.

stablebool, default=True

Flag indicating whether to use the stable version of the operator or not.


The pMean aggregation operator has been selected as an approximation of \(\exists\) with \(p \geq 1\). If \(p \to \infty\), then the pMean operator tends to the maximum of the input values (classical behavior of \(\exists\)).


>>> import ltn
>>> import torch
>>> Exists = ltn.Quantifier(ltn.fuzzy_ops.AggregPMean(), quantifier='e')
>>> print(Exists)
Quantifier(agg_op=AggregPMean(p=2, stable=True), quantifier='e')
>>> p = ltn.Predicate(func=lambda x: torch.nn.Sigmoid()(
...                                     torch.sum(x, dim=1)
...                                  ))
>>> x = ltn.Variable('x', torch.tensor([[0.56], [0.9], [0.7]]))
>>> print(p(x).value)
tensor([0.6365, 0.7109, 0.6682])
>>> print(Exists(x, p(x)).value)
__call__(xs, dim=None, keepdim=False, mask=None, p=None, stable=None)

It applies the pMean aggregation operator to the given formula’s grounding on the selected dimensions.


Grounding of formula on which the aggregation has to be performed.

dimtuple of int, default=None

Tuple containing the indexes of dimensions on which the aggregation has to be performed.

keepdimbool, default=False

Flag indicating whether the output has to keep the same dimensions as the input after the aggregation.

masktorch.Tensor, default=None

Boolean mask for excluding values of ‘xs’ from the aggregation. It is internally used for guarded quantification. The mask must have the same shape of ‘xs’. False means exclusion, True means inclusion.

pint, default=None

Value of hyper-parameter p of the pMean fuzzy aggregation operator.

stablebool, default=None

Flag indicating whether to use the stable version of the operator or not.


pMean fuzzy aggregation of the formula.


Raises when the grounding of the formula (‘xs’) and the mask do not have the same shape. Raises when the ‘mask’ is not boolean.


See p parameter.


See stable parameter.

class ltn.fuzzy_ops.AggregPMeanError(p=2, stable=True)

Bases: ltn.fuzzy_ops.AggregationOperator

pMeanError fuzzy aggregation operator.

\(A_{pME}(x_1, \dots, x_n) = 1 - (\frac{1}{n} \sum_{i = 1}^n (1 - x_i)^p)^{\frac{1}{p}}\)

pint, default=2

Value of hyper-parameter p of the pMeanError fuzzy aggregation operator.

stablebool, default=True

Flag indicating whether to use the stable version of the operator or not.


The pMeanError aggregation operator has been selected as an approximation of \(\forall\) with \(p \geq 1\). If \(p \to \infty\), then the pMeanError operator tends to the minimum of the input values (classical behavior of \(\forall\)).


>>> import ltn
>>> import torch
>>> Forall = ltn.Quantifier(ltn.fuzzy_ops.AggregPMeanError(), quantifier='f')
>>> print(Forall)
Quantifier(agg_op=AggregPMeanError(p=2, stable=True), quantifier='f')
>>> p = ltn.Predicate(func=lambda x: torch.nn.Sigmoid()(
...                                     torch.sum(x, dim=1)
...                                  ))
>>> x = ltn.Variable('x', torch.tensor([[0.56], [0.9], [0.7]]))
>>> print(p(x).value)
tensor([0.6365, 0.7109, 0.6682])
>>> print(Forall(x, p(x)).value)
__call__(xs, dim=None, keepdim=False, mask=None, p=None, stable=None)

It applies the pMeanError aggregation operator to the given formula’s grounding on the selected dimensions.


Grounding of formula on which the aggregation has to be performed.

dimtuple of int, default=None

Tuple containing the indexes of dimensions on which the aggregation has to be performed.

keepdimbool, default=False

Flag indicating whether the output has to keep the same dimensions as the input after the aggregation.

masktorch.Tensor, default=None

Boolean mask for excluding values of ‘xs’ from the aggregation. It is internally used for guarded quantification. The mask must have the same shape of ‘xs’. False means exclusion, True means inclusion.

pint, default=None

Value of hyper-parameter p of the pMeanError fuzzy aggregation operator.

stable: :obj:`bool`, default=None

Flag indicating whether to use the stable version of the operator or not.


pMeanError fuzzy aggregation of the formula.


Raises when the grounding of the formula (‘xs’) and the mask do not have the same shape. Raises when the ‘mask’ is not boolean.


See p parameter.


See stable parameter.

class ltn.fuzzy_ops.SatAgg(agg_op=AggregPMeanError(p=2, stable=True))

Bases: object

SatAgg aggregation operator.

\(\operatorname{SatAgg}_{\phi \in \mathcal{K}} \mathcal{G}_{\theta} (\phi)\)

It aggregates the truth values of the closed formulas given in input, namely the formulas \(\phi_1, \dots, \phi_n\) contained in the knowledge base \(\mathcal{K}\). In the notation, \(\mathcal{G}_{\theta}\) is the grounding function, parametrized by \(\theta\).

agg_opltn.fuzzy_ops.AggregationOperator, default=AggregPMeanError(p=2)

Fuzzy aggregation operator used by the SatAgg operator to perform the aggregation.


Raises when the type of the input parameter is not correct.


  • SatAgg is particularly useful for computing the overall satisfaction level of a knowledge base when learning a Logic Tensor Network;

  • the result of the SatAgg aggregation is a scalar. It is the satisfaction level of the knowledge based composed of the closed formulas given in input.


SatAgg can be used to aggregate the truth values of formulas contained in a knowledge base. Note that:

  • SatAgg takes as input a tuple of ltn.core.LTNObject and/or torch.Tensor;

  • when some torch.Tensor are given to SatAgg, they have to be scalars in [0., 1.] since SatAgg is designed to work with closed formulas;

  • in this example, our knowledge base is composed of closed formulas f1, f2, and f3;

  • SatAgg applies the pMeanError aggregation operator to the truth values of these formulas. The result is a new truth value which can be interpreted as a satisfaction level of the entire knowledge base;

  • the result of SatAgg is a torch.Tensor since it has been designed for learning in PyTorch. The idea is to put the result of the operator directly inside the loss function of the LTN. See this tutorial for a detailed example.

>>> import ltn
>>> import torch
>>> x = ltn.Variable('x', torch.tensor([[0.1, 0.03],
...                                     [2.3, 4.3]]))
>>> y = ltn.Variable('y', torch.tensor([[3.4, 2.3],
...                                     [5.4, 0.43]]))
>>> p = ltn.Predicate(func=lambda x: torch.nn.Sigmoid()(
...                                     torch.sum(x, dim=1)
...                                  ))
>>> q = ltn.Predicate(func=lambda x, y: torch.nn.Sigmoid()(
...                                         torch.sum([x, y], dim=1),
...                                     dim=1)))
>>> Forall = ltn.Quantifier(ltn.fuzzy_ops.AggregPMeanError(), quantifier='f')
>>> And = ltn.Connective(ltn.fuzzy_ops.AndProd())
>>> f1 = Forall(x, p(x))
>>> f2 = Forall([x, y], q(x, y))
>>> f3 = And(Forall([x, y], q(x, y)), Forall(x, p(x)))
>>> sat_agg = ltn.fuzzy_ops.SatAgg(ltn.fuzzy_ops.AggregPMeanError())
>>> print(sat_agg)
SatAgg(agg_op=AggregPMeanError(p=2, stable=True))
>>> out = sat_agg(f1, f2, f3)
>>> print(type(out))
<class 'torch.Tensor'>
>>> print(out)

In the previous example, some closed formulas (ltn.core.LTNObject) have been given to the SatAgg operator. In this example, we show that SatAgg can take as input also torch.Tensor containing the result of some closed formulas, namely scalars in [0., 1.]. Note that:

  • f2 is just a torch.Tensor;

  • since f2 contains a scalar in [0., 1.], its value can be interpreted as a truth value of a closed formula. For this reason, it is possible to give f2 to the SatAgg operator to get the aggregation of f1 (ltn.core.LTNObject) and f2 (torch.Tensor).

>>> x = ltn.Variable('x', torch.tensor([[0.1, 0.03],
...                                     [2.3, 4.3]]))
>>> p = ltn.Predicate(func=lambda x: torch.nn.Sigmoid()(
...                                     torch.sum(x, dim=1)
...                                  ))
>>> Forall = ltn.Quantifier(ltn.fuzzy_ops.AggregPMeanError(), quantifier='f')
>>> f1 = Forall(x, p(x))
>>> f2 = torch.tensor(0.7)
>>> sat_agg = ltn.fuzzy_ops.SatAgg(ltn.fuzzy_ops.AggregPMeanError())
>>> print(sat_agg)
SatAgg(agg_op=AggregPMeanError(p=2, stable=True))
>>> out = sat_agg(f1, f2)
>>> print(type(out))
<class 'torch.Tensor'>
>>> print(out)

It applies the SatAgg aggregation operator to the given closed formula’s groundings.

closed_formulastuple of ltn.core.LTNObject and/or torch.Tensor

Tuple of closed formulas (LTNObject and/or tensors) for which the aggregation has to be computed.


The result of the SatAgg aggregation.


Raises when the type of the input parameter is not correct.


Raises when the truth values of the formulas/tensors given in input are not in the range [0., 1.]. Raises when the truth values of the formulas/tensors given in input are not scalars, namely some formulas are not closed formulas.

agg_opltn.fuzzy_ops.AggregationOperator, default=AggregPMeanError(p=2)

See agg_op parameter.